
66th Birthday Wishes

66th BirthdayFunny 66th Birthday sayings and phrases and sweet and warm wishes for people getting 66 years old. When you want to send a birthday cards to your grandmom or granddad or other relatives you need a great unique coingratulation message. Here are a couple of examples for nice 66th birthday wishes. You can use the texts also for text messages and emails. Go to sayings

1For your 66th Birthday i am sending you 66 hugs and 66 kisses and i wish you a really special day.
2Congratulations for your 66th birthday and it starts the countdown for retirement.
3I was going to send you something real cute on your 66th Birthday. It just did not want to fit into the envelope. All the best for your birthday.
4The 66th Birthday is the beginning of the 67th journey around the sun. Enjoy the ride and have fun.
5I wish you a fantastic day with all your lovely family on your 66th Birthday. May all your wishes come true.
6On your 66th birthday i am sending you all the best wishes, healthiness, success and may all your dreams come true.
7All the best on your 66th birthday. Birthdays are good for us. The more birthday you are celebrating the older you are getting.
8All the best wishes for your 66th birthday. I hope that all your dreams and wishes for the future come true.
9I could not believe that you are turning 66 today. You do not look a day older than 65. Happy birthday and have a nice day

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